I don't know what is wrong with me, but I love to read random blogs and find out about the lives of others. I'm sitting here right now with five articles to write and boo-coo homework to do, yet I'm bouncing around looking at people's blogs. Well, in my defense I did have to update my blog since I haven't done so in something like two months.
I started online school to earn my teaching certification on August 1st, so that is keeping me pretty busy. I also started a new job on August 3, but I'm going back into the classroom to sub as soon as school starts next week. Oh, yeah...I moved in with my best friend the first of July, too, so that's been a big change for me after living with my mother for the last 11 months. My boy started college at WVU this past week. I was pretty messed up the day before and the day of, but I'm handling it better now. I know I have to cut the apron strings sometime anyway. He is at WVU and seems to think that he is going to like it, although I tell him it is a little too early to be saying that! I'll miss him...that's for sure.
Okay, enough of my rambling...gotta get my nose to the grindstone.