Saturday, February 16, 2008

Garlic and Ginger Cough Syrup

I have a wonderful report for the family members who used their herbal remedies for this yucko thing that's going around. My daughter is 100% better but, unfortunately, my son chose not to use the herbal tinctures and goot and he has taken much longer to come around. He did use an herbal cough syrup today that I made from garlic and ginger along with some other cupboard items. The instructional video that I made it from is on here:

This family has a website teaching herbal remedies and it is really a good site. That is where I got the idea to use the echinacea tincture directly in the throat. This husband and wife team are very knowledgable about using herbs to cook with as well as for medicinal purposes. I look forward to making some of the other remedies that they have on their site.

My mother-in-law was visiting earlier and when she began to cough I tried to get her to use some of the cough syrup that I had made. She asked to smell it and decided that it smelled too much like garlic for her to use it. She said that she didn't want to go to church tomorrow smelling like garlic. I don't guess I care since I'm eating it raw now. My daughter and I have both been eating at least one raw clove a day for the last three days. It burns a little but we use a Oh, well, I feel that it is worth it for the health benefits.

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