Sunday, October 12, 2008

It's that time again...

I've already had to make a batch of GOOT and the flu and cold season hasn't even hit us good yet. If you don't know what GOOT is you can check it out on this post. It is a home remedy for infection fighting and I put it on the soles of my kid's feet when they are sick. I'm also putting it on Carly's neck today because she has a sore throat and her tonsils are swollen.

I went to Rite Aide and bought a neti pot. They have a special this week. The pot is $10.99 and there is a single check rebate available for $10.99, so you might as well say that it is free. Carly hates to use the neti pot, but I'm trying to get her in the habit. I left my other one in storage so I'm going to start using this one too. You can definitely tell the difference in your sinuses when you rinse them out with a neti pot.

I'm just really glad that there's no school tomorrow. I don't know of those faculty senate days or something. Anyway, it will give Baby Girl a chance to get rested up. Plus, I'd hate to send her to school smelling like a cook at the Olive Garden.


DO WORK said...

Tomorrow is Columbus Day! Not sure why I have know that because I still have class :(

Unknown said...

I hope they all feel better soon.

I have an award for you. You can pick it up at this blog:

House of Bargains

Anonymous said...

Let's hope for a winter with little sickness!

BTW, you've been tagged :)

Confessions of a Baltimore Housewife

Marrid66 said...

I'll have to try Goot. It sounds like you are having alot of luck with it.

Karen aka marrid66

Mindy said...

I'm going to try this, we have too much sickness going around our house. I have an award for you. You can pick it up at my blog :)

- said...

Hope everyone is all better soon!

Tag you're it! Stop by Shrinking Pamelalala to see what up!

Kim said...

Good Tip...never heard of the way, I left you an award over at my Kim's Kountry Kitchen, come by and pick it up when you can.
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Postcard from Somewhere
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