Tuesday, October 07, 2008

A child got called home today...

I'm really bummed...my mom's oldest sister, Dorothy, passed away today. She was such a sweet lady and I'm glad that mom has such wonderful memories of her. She was 88 and she had been suffering with Alzheimers for years. I know that she is heaven and she is no longer suffering, but it's still difficult to watch my mom and her other sisters go through this loss. She was one of the girls...the first sister to pass, in fact. Out of 16 children there were 10 boys and 6 girls. With the exception of one boy all of the sons have already passed away. Aunt Dorothy was the first girl to go. Mom and my other aunts are sad too because she was in another state and none of them are well enough to travel there for the funeral. They want to be there, but they can't. Keep our family in your prayers, please.


Shelly said...

I am so sorry for your loss but so happy that she lived so many years. My grandmother is the last surviving of seven children and it is really taking a toll on her.

Your family will be in my prayers.

Mrs Koz said...

I'm so sorry for your family's loss. It's so very hard when you live apart from your family and cannot be there in times like these to say goodbye. God Bless, with prayers.

- said...

I'm sorry for loss to your and your family. No matter how expected, it still hurts.

Unknown said...

I am thinking of you and your family, and going through something similar, my mom's favorite uncle died and the funeral is today. I agree with Shelly, my Grandmother has been bummed she has one sister left out of seven.

Sorry for the self-centered comment, but I'll be thinking of you as a mourn for my uncle.