Monday, October 06, 2008

Save the Tatas

In case you've been hiding under a rock or lost on a remote island the past few months, and haven't heard, October is National Breast Cancer Awareness month. Although women should be doing self breast exams and mammograms and all of that other good stuff on a regular basis, this month is a time of heightened awareness of the disease. This is a time to really focus on spreading the word about how breast cancer can be detected early and how it can be treated. This is a time to acknowledge all of the women (men too) who have been diagnosed with this disease and have fought the fight of their lives. We probably all know someone who has either had breast cancer or has been affected by it because someone close to them has fought it. You may wonder what you can do to help in the fight against breast cancer. The battlefield isn't just for women. Men and children can get in the fight, too. Here are some things that you can do to help eradicate this disease:

1. do (encourage females in your life to do) monthly self breast exams and report any irregularities to your doctor
2. women over 40 have yearly mammograms
3. participate in any fund raising activity that will give breast cancer research some much needed funds...right now Yoplait is donating 10 cents for every yogurt lid they receive so come on and eat lots of yogurt!
4. participate in walks and parades and other other activities that will make people look and talk and spread the word and not stop talking until we find a cure for breast cancer
5. donate money to breast cancer research
6. be a friend and support someone who is struggling with this disease


- said...

It's always good to be reminded. My college room mate is being treated for breast cancer right now.
Shrinking Pamelalala

Unknown said...

It is good to be reminded and women in their 30's need to be vigilant as well.