Sunday, October 19, 2008

Let's Get Personal...

Oh, no! I've been tagged by Pam over at Shrinking Pamela and now I have to list eight personal or interesting facts about myself that you may or may not already know. So here goes:

1. I've always wanted to ride a horse, but haven't had the opportunity to do so yet.
2. Since infancy I have rubbed my feet together to put myself to sleep and continue to do so to this day.
3. I aspired to be a Forensic Medical Examiner when I first started college 24 years ago.
4. I lost my brother to heart disease when he was 37 years old.
5. I love spaghetti!
6. I just moved back to West Virginia after living in Florida for six years.
7. I taught ninth grade American History when I lived in Florida.
8. I graduated second in the 1984 graduating class of Valley High School.

The rules:
1. Each player starts with eight random facts/habits about themselves.
2. People who are tagged need to write their own blog about their eight things and post these rules.
3. At the end of your blog post, you need to choose who you want to tag and list their names.
4. Don't forget to leave them a comment telling them they're tagged, and to read your blog.

I choose:
1. Angie's Blog of Silly Stuff
2. Fat Girl Goes Fit
3. The Captain's Chair


J said...


cyedrysek said...

I really like your blogs and your blog buddies. Thanks for sharing with the rest of us. Peace.

Unknown said...

The feet rubbing is too funny. I've read repetitive motions like that are really good for insomnia, so maybe you're on to something!

Barbara said...

Hi there,
On your list #1 is something I have always wanted to do but am so scared of and your second, rubbing your feet together is something i have to do also. Isn't that crazy. I have to rub my feet together to fall asleep and I have done this ever since I was a little girl. You have a great day.
Barbara :)

Carrie said...

Interesting facts...I love reading all the stuff about other bloggers, lol!
Anything I Think About
Surgical Nurse Musings
Time Keeps on Flying

Marrid66 said...

That's so weird I rub my feet together too.

Karen aka marrid66