Thursday, December 18, 2008

I'm officially finished...

With Christmas shopping, that is. I got the last few presents and the kid's stocking stuffers today. Hooray! I didn't do a whole lot anyway because I have cut way back and this year cut even further. Hey! I might get away with not having to shop at all next year. That's a laugh. Kids always want bigger and better stuff every year. I've got one that is 17 so he asks for expensive stuff anyway and the other one is only 9, but it seems like she is catching on with him, too, and asking for more expensive stuff. Well, guess what? You don't always get what you want!

I was reading People Magazine in the doctor's office the other day while I was waiting on my mom and I came across something that Reese Witherspoon had said that really impressed me. She said that she doesn't allow her children to become prey to Christmas gluttony (as she calls it). They get one big thing and few smaller presents even though she has the money to buy them whatever they want. I think they appreciate the presents more if they don't get a lot of stuff on Christmas morning. We've had years where you couldn't hardly cross the living room floor because of the presents and they were just so overwhelmed with everything that they didn't seem to enjoy any of it.

They are sharing a big present this year and I've never done that before so we'll see how it goes. They each got a big gift separately too, plus several smaller gifts. I don't want to share what the big gift is yet, because I don't know for sure that they won't come across this and figure it out. They're sneaky too!

I'm having difficulty finding time to do any freelance writing or blogging with all of the Christmas excitement in the air. We've had Christmas programs during the day this week. My daughter's class sang in front of Macy's at the mall on Monday and of course I couldn't miss that. I've had to try to finish up shopping and wrapping while they are in school this week because Monday will be the last day before Christmas break. I also had to go do orientation and a physical to be a professional substitute teacher in another county. I won't be getting calls to sub there until after January 5th, so I had really better force myself to focus and get some writing done in the next few weeks. It looks like January is going to be slim pickings! Okay, I'll go now. I'm starting to ramble. I hope that everyone can stay as stress free this next week as possible and enjoy your families, which is what the Christmas spirit is all about, right?

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