Thursday, December 04, 2008

Grab Those Bratz!!!

If you're a bratz doll fan you had better grab 'em while you can. Apparently Mattel has won a big lawsuit forcing MGA Entertainment, the current marketers of the Bratz, to discontinue sales. I'm not sure how all of this played out, but Mattel claims that they owned the copyright to the Bratz because the designer, Carter Bryant, was employed by them when he secretly created the Bratz model and left to take it to MGA. Mattel's sales of the iconic Barbie have fallen significantly over the past few years.

I have to admit, though, our household was never a fan of Bratz anyway. I mean do 8 year old girls need to be playing with dolls that look they are dressed for clubbing and that have botox injections in their lips? They don't here. Move over Bratz because Barbie is going to be top dog once again.

1 comment:

Marrid66 said...

I agree with you. I have never been a fan of the Bratz girls.

Karen aka marrid66

Here On Columbia Avenue

Da Boss And Bryguy

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