Wednesday, August 27, 2008

those hypnotizing Golden Arches

The first day of school came off without a hitch...unless you count my son getting on the fare bus instead of the school bus and getting back off at McDonalds to get a number 2. I couldn't believe it when he called me from a cell phone number and said "Hey Mom, I just wanted to let you know that I'm at McDonalds with my friend."

Okay. So, what am I missing? You have free transportation home, but you decide to pay $1.75 for the fare bus and then instead of coming all the way home you get off less than 1/2 mile down the road to go into Mickey Ds? That's a boy for you - he is led by his stomach. That must have been a fitting end to a very stressful day for him, though. That was his treat - a quarter pounder with cheese.

He was pleased to find that he knew someone in all of his classes. It makes Physics easier to handle when you have friend or two in there. Baby girl did great too. She makes friends really easily and came home telling about everyone in her class. Then she came home today and had to recite everyone's first and last name. It's no wonder that her kindergarten teacher had named her "mouth of the South" after only three days of school. She is definitely one of a kind. Can't tell I'm a little partial, can you?

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